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Hi D!
Love the colour theme and thought put into your scene and page. Your reindeer is super cute and I love the effort you have put into him. Also love how you've made the page header look like its part of the game, with the snowflakes looking as though they will fall into the scene.

Constructive Feedback:

Outline of the buttons are a bit fuzzy and faded, unsure if this is a style choice or not.
On hover effect makes the font very hard to read for the white to red snowballs.

Other than that, very well done!

Nice work overall! 

I am fond of the chosen colour scheme and style integrated into your Christmas-themed game. All graphic elements sufficiently represent your chosen theme without leaving any grey areas. The reindeer is quite cute and stands out in your scene. The objective of the game is creative and effectively prompts the user on how to navigate through the game. 

I appreciate the fact you added a help toolbar. Your icons are easy to identify and interact with. However, the way you formatted the menubar could be reworked. Consider placing the four red buttons in the middle and 3 sets of white buttons at the top and bottom to balance the graphic elements.

In addition, the snow and stars have a weird grid pattern on them. Possibly consider fixing that to a solid white colour. Otherwise, the concept is creative and with further development, has great potential.

(2 edits)

Good work!! I like the colour choice of white buttons (snowballs) to red as they are Christmas colours, they stands out in the scene!

Love the cute reindeer's face expression and the horns. Good colour choice, the character look great with the blue colour.

Unique positioning for the game buttons.

It is also good to see the feedback of changing the button colour (when hovering over). 

I only noticed that it might be good if the buttons still showed the text.

Looking forward to playing your game next!